REEDUSCover _edited-1
Norman Reedus has a new cover interview and profile in Details Magazine. He’s promoting the new season of The Walking Dead, which premieres this Sunday, squee! He gives a decent interview to Details but I suppose it’s mostly interesting to his fans and to Walking Dead fanatics. Reedus talks about how he got his part on the show (he pretty much had it created for him), the future of his character, Daryl, and how he sees himself as a mix of both good and bad guys in terms of the complex roles he plays. The way he describes it reminds me of Liev Schreiber, because Schreiber has a similar vibe of conflicted badass trying to do the right thing. (I guess a lot of things remind me of Liev Schreiber though.) You can read the full interview at Details and here are some quotes:

Reedus on landing the role of Daryl Dixon: According to legend, Reedus landed his part on The Walking Dead like this: He auditioned to play the racist and misogynist Merle Dixon, a part that went to Michael Rooker. But the truth, according to Reedus, is different: In L.A. for the 2010 pilot season, Reedus became fixated on a script about the survivors of a zombie apocalypse but was disap- pointed to learn it had already been cast. “I was like, ‘Just get me in the room. I’ll go in and do a guest spot,’ ” he recalls with mock desperation. He was asked to read Merle’s lines on two separate occasions, presumably to keep him off-balance. Later, he found out that Frank Darabont, who developed the show from Robert Kirkman’s comic books, was so impressed that he created the character of Daryl—Merle’s younger brother—specifically for Reedus and gave the actor the freedom to help shape the role. It was Reedus’ idea to have Daryl reject the rednecky and druggy path the producers originally laid out, transforming what started as a supporting role into very nearly the co-lead.

Reedus on Daryl Dixon’s romantic future: “Even this season, I’m the last in line for love,” he says with a wry laugh. “I like not going through that door one way or another. I like that mystery.” Since the show routinely bumps off its main characters, Reedus insists that despite all the adoration, not even Daryl is safe from the producers’ crossbow. “They’ll kill me whenever they want. I would hate to leave the show. I would play this role until I’m 80, I really would. And I could.”

Reedus on being passed up for Tomorrowland due to his hair: “I was like, ‘Don’t they know I’m on a TV show?’ ” he says, suggesting that a bald cap and a hairpiece would have been an easy fix. “It went down to the last minute, and everyone knew I couldn’t cut my hair. Then, I think the director, Brad Bird, threw a fit and was like, ‘If he’s not dedicated to this role and he can’t cut his hair, then it’s not going to work.’ I’m on a fuckin’ TV show! I can’t just shave my head!”

Reedus on the degree of fame he’d would be comfortable with: Reedus doesn’t hesitate. “I want to be Bill Murray,” he says, beaming. “What a good life he has. He pops up when he wants to have fun, and then he just disappears.” Reedus doesn’t want to be a megacelebrity. He’s happy to be more “street famous.” “Like, your mom doesn’t know who I am, and I don’t have any awards, but the FedEx guy or cops or firemen will say, ‘Hey, man, I like your show!’ He continues, “I’m not People’s sexiest dude.”

Reedus on being labeled a bad guy: “I kind of take grotesque things and make them pretty,” he says. It’s a job description that Reedus could also apply to his acting. “I look like a bad guy, but I’m a good guy, so I get a lot of bad-guys parts who are good underneath—good guys doing bad things.”

[From Details, received via e-mail]

That’s hilarious that he got turned down for Tomorrowland because he wouldn’t cut his hair. He dodged a bullet there, that movie was awful. Lindelof just needs to go back to writing comics because screenplays and television are not his thing.

In terms of wanting to have Bill Murray’s career – only Bill Murray can get away with having an 800 number where he only checks the messages occasionally. You have to reach a certain level of fame before you can not give a sh*t to that degree and still get leading roles. Reedus is a decent actor but he’s no Bill Murray.

The editorial is decent, I really like the coat that they put him in for the cover as he looks dapper. I just can’t with that hair though. It’s Daryl’s hair. You would think he would get sick of playing that character if had to keep this same hair for years.


